Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I have been thinking much about the word friends. We never live to ourselves or die to ourselves. We are always having an effect on others. Today I want to talk about a very special friend.
In 1967 I began work at Lindsay District Hospital, a nice small town hospital. There I had some nice managers and several very poor managers and supervisors with little leadership skills. These kind of people make working together very hard. I had some there that tried to challenge my beliefs, but I just smiled and continued to stand for my convictions. When Lindsay hospital closed I transferred (1995) to Sierra View District Hospital.
This is when I met Julie.
Julie was my Supervisor/Manager. Julie carries a enormous load. She manages several departments, is on many administrative committee's, yet she always has a smile and a time to talk to you. I always felt I had her undivided attention whenever I talked to her. She wanted to know about my family, my husband, grandchildren. She always greeted my husband or family if they were around. She made a point of knowing my intrests and inquiring about them often. She often sent a card in the mail expressing her appreciation for my work well done. She believes in hard work, but also believes it's important to take out time for some fun in the office. She knows how to put on some great parties for the office crews. Parties clean and fun.
Julie never challenged my beliefs, but she did respect them.
If I ask Julie about something, I could be assured that she would follow through. She knew how to challenge you to want to accomplish things and it was always in a very upbeat way.

Julie, you were and are the best.
Whenever I think of a FRIEND I always think of YOU.


  1. I had a friend like that while I was working. She passed away last month. Barbara was very dear, and even with the miles separating us, we still remained good friends.

  2. V, what an awesome reminder that our lives touch someone along the way. May be good and maybe bad but we are not an island left alone.
    Your memory of a friend that left you with a positive memory says a lot for JULIE. This is the way Christ would like for us to be. To be Christ like is not to be HOLIER than thou but to be LOVE, for He is LOVE.

    What a great blog........I just pray that someway, somehow I can leave that on someones life.

